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The authors would like to thank members and staff of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia–Pacific (NACA) for their valuable contributions, which have provided an Asia–Pacific regional perspective. We would also like to thank the Australian Fisheries Research and Development Corporation for its financial assistance and guidance in the preparation of the original Australian version of the guide, from which this regional edition is largely derived.

A special thanks to contributing authors of disease pages: Dr Mark Crane (CSIRO – Australian Animal Health Laboratory), Dr Judith Handlinger (Department of Primary Industries and Water, Tasmania), Dr Cedric Komar (Intervet Norbio Singapore), Dr Kazuhiro Nakajima (Fisheries Research Agency, Japan), Dr AS Sahul Hameed (Abdul Hakeem College, India), Dr M Sano (National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Japan) and Dr Shi Zhengli (Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of China).

Thank you again to all those who assisted with the original publication:

Dr Ellen Ariel and Dr Niels Jørgen Olesen (Danish Veterinary Institute), Dr Susan Bower (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada), Dr David Bruno (Marlab, Aberdeen, Scotland), Dr Supranee Chinabut (Thailand Department of Fisheries) and Dr Ben Diggles (DigsFish Pathology Services, Australia), whose expertise was essential in ensuring information was accurate, current and consistent with international standards.

Thank you also to Dr Rob Adlard (Queensland Museum), Dr Rachel Bowater (Oonoonba Veterinary Laboratory, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries), Dr Jeremy Carson (Department of Primary Industries and Water, Tasmania), Professor Brian Jones (Department of Fish Health, Western Australia), Dr Malcolm Lancaster (Department of Primary Industries Research, Victoria), Drs Shane Raidal and Fran Stephens (Murdoch University), Dr Peter Walker (CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory), Professor Richard Whittington (University of Sydney), Dr Belinda Wright (Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry), and members of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram Steering and Scientific Advisory Committees and the National Aquatic Animal Health Technical Working Group.

Finally, a publication such as this is built on the work and observations of others. Many sources of information were used, and the author would like to acknowledge those whose work has been cited in compiling this edition.

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