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This Help page contains information to assist you to use this CD. To return to the Home page, click on Home button on the left.

How do I see each full page?

If a page is longer than a screen, use the scroll bar on the right of the screen to scroll through the page. The bottom of each page has a Top button to take you back to the top of the page.

How do I print a page?

At the top right of each printable page is a blue button, labelled 'printable version'. If you click this button, a window containing a printable PDF file opens. Use your File/Print menu to print out the PDF file. To go back to the CD page, just close the PDF window. You need Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader to open PDF files. You can install the Acrobat Reader free of charge from the Adobe website.

How do I enlarge the pictures?

The pictures of disease signs on the disease pages are small versions ('thumbnails'). Click the picture to open a new window with a bigger version. To go back to the original page with the small version and the text, close the window containing the enlargement.

How do I use the diagnostic tables?

You can navigate to the diagnostic tables using the button, or from each disease that requires differential diagnosis. Check the disease signs listed across the top of the table. The row of the table with the most check marks for signs you have observed gives the name of the likely disease in the first column. The diseases in the last column are the ones that have to also be considered. Click the disease name to go to the relevant page.


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