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Grouper Electronic Newsletter

Welcome to the grouper news - a Electronic Newsletter of NACA, in cooperation with ACIAR, APEC, Queensland DPI and SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, bringing you the latest and best news on grouper aquaculture, coral reef fisheries and aquaculture research and development.

*** Grouper News Issue No. 4 - Jan-Feb 2000 ***



This is the Forth Issue of a "Grouper Electronic Newsletter" which is being circulated through email. The purposes and objectives are to keep members of the grouper discussion group and other related parties updated on the latest information on research and development of grouper and coral reef fish aquaculture. The information available through this monthly Newsletter is also available on the Grouper website.

Many of the articles and news featured in this newsletter will also be published in hard copy in Aquaculture Asia and the SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture magazines.

To make this Grouper Electronic Newsletter more informative and useful to all of you, comments, suggestions, as well as contributions of articles, news and information on related topics and activities are very welcome. They are coming - slowly - but please send in your contributions regularly to:

If you have contributions to make, please send these regularly to:

Sih Yang SIM
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA)
Suraswadi Building, Department of Fisheries
Kasetsart University Campus, Ladyao, Jatujak
Bangkok 10900
Tel : (662) 561-1728 (to 29)
Fax : (662) 561-1727
Email : [email protected] or [email protected]

Please also forward this newsletter to other interested colleagues. 

Giant Grouper Seed Production in Thailand

The Department of Fisheries (DOF) Thailand, at the National Institute of Coastal Aquaculture (NICA) was able to successfully produce Giant Grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) in October 1998 by artificially stripping eggs and milt, then fertilized by dry method. However, the survival rate was very low, and mass mortality occurred after one month post-hatching.

In early September 1999, NICA has made a remarkable success in the production of Giant Grouper fry, by using preserved milt (chilled in refrigerator-2 days), artificially inseminated with fresh stripped eggs. It was observed that the physical developments of the fry are normal, the juvenile grew to about 2 inches in 52 days.

Epinephelus lanceolatus is one of high value grouper species with fast growth rate. Seed supply has been the major constraint for the development of grouper aquaculture. With the success of NICA in seed production, commercial culture of Giant Grouper, and possibly restocking, may become more promising.

For further information please contact:

Dr Renu H. Yashiro 
National Institute of Coastal Aquaculture (NICA)
National Inland Coastal Aquaculture
Kaosan Soi 1
Songkhla 90000
Email : [email protected]

The Hong Kong Trade In Live Reef Fish For Food

This is a report prepared by Mr Patrick P.F. Lau & Mr Rob Parry-Jones, which is published by TRAFFIC East Asia and World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong. The report provides useful data such as trading quantitative and prices in Hong Kong market, transport methods and countries of export. This report also provides numbers of grouper photos for various species. It also provides information on taxonomy, life history and ecology of several grouper species found in Hong Kong market.

For further information, please contact

Room 2001, Double Building,
22 Stanley Street, Central
Hong Kong SAR
Email : [email protected]

Review of Grouper Hatchery Technology

Successful larviculture of groupers has been constrained by generally poor, and irregular, survival. The principal constraints to successful larviculture are: the small gape of the larvae and hence their requirement for small prey at first feed; and the occurrence of high mortality at various stages through the larval rearing phase. This document, prepared by Dr. Mike Rimmer of the Queensland Department of Primary Industry provides a nice review grouper larviculture technology, and summarises the current status of this technology.

For the full document please click here. If you cannot access this web page, and wish to receive this piece by email, send a message to Sih Yang SIM

For further information, please contact

Mike Rimmer
Queensland Department of Primary Industries
Northern Fisheries Centre
PO Box 5396
Cairns, Queensland 4870 

Grouper Research at the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department

Research on breeding, seed production and culture of groupers at the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC AQD) was initiated following the recommendations of the 1987 Seminar-Workshop on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia (ADSEA) which prioritized the department’s research and development activities. This paper reviews the progress of research and development in breeding, seed production, nursery, and grow out culture of E. coioides at the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, in the Philippines. 

For the full document please click here. If you cannot access this web page, and wish to receive this piece by email, send a message to Sih Yang SIM

For further information, please contact

Clarissa L. Marte 
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Aquaculture Department
Tigbauan, Iloilo



This is a NACA Image library which allows you to view collection of aquaculture photos in the region. For a direct link to this website click here. If you are interested in uploading good quality photos of your choice, let fellow colleagues and aquaculturists in the region appreciate your excellent work, please send a message to Sih Yang SIM for a login name and password.



This section of the newsletter will provide a list of interesting publications and web sites. 



  • Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium. This web site gives details of the major NACA/FAO Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on the 20th-25th February 2000.
  • APEC/NACA grouper aquaculture workshop 2000 - the workshop will be hosted by the Government of Indonesia in Medan on the 17th-20th April 2000. The full details will be worked out and more information will be circulated soon. For those interested please send email message to Sih Yang SIM. 
  • AQUA 2000 - May 2 - 6 Acropolis Convention Center, Nice, France. WORLD AQUACULTURE 2000 AND AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2000 held together in a joint meeting of the World Aquaculture Society and the European Aquaculture Society. Many other major aquaculture groups will be Associate Sponsors.

To UNSUBSCRIBE to this newsletter, send a blank email message to: [email protected]. In the subject field include the words: Unsubscribe Grouper Electronic Newsletter.

Prepared by:

Mr. Sih Yang SIM Editor, Asia-Pacific Grouper Network 
Dr. Michael J. PHILLIPS Environment specialist, NACA 
Dr. Mike RIMMER Principal Fisheries Biologist, Queensland Department of Primary Industries 
Dr. Clarissa L. MARTE  Head of Research, Aquaculture Department - SEAFDEC 

Grouper Electronic Newsletter of NACA, is brought to you by NACA Secretariat in cooperation with ACIAR, Queensland DPI and SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department.

If you have any problems or queries contact us at: [email protected]

Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of NACA or other contributing institutions. Unless stated otherwise articles may be copied or quoted without restriction, provided originating author(s), institution(s) and the NACA Secretariat are acknowledged.

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